Student Quick Start Guide

Get started with ChartFlow in 3 easy steps: Make an Account and Add Course Code, View Courses & Activities, and Explore the Patient Chart.

Create your Student account at

🔑 Don't forget to have your Course Code ready!


Make an Account and Add Course Code

  1. Go to or click the "New Student Account" button on the top right of ChartFlow's homepage.
  2. Enter your Email and Course Code on the first page. If you don't have a Course Code, you can select your School/Organization after confirming your email.
  3. Enter the verification code sent to your email.
  4. Select your School/Organization if you did not enter a course code prior.
  5. Enter your first name, last name, and password into the designated fields.
  6. Once on the home page, you can join a course within your School/Organization with a course code if you haven't entered one earlier.

📝 Notes

  • For more detailed information on account creation and login processes, please refer to our New Accounts & Login Guide.
  • For security reasons, the ChartFlow Support Team is unable to add Students to a Course. Please contact your Instructor if you need assistance joining a course.

View Courses & Activities

  1. You'll see all your Courses listed on your Homepage. (You can return to this page at any time by clicking the ChartFlow logo on the top left.)
  2. Click View Course to see all Activities listed on one page for a specific course. This is especially useful for courses with more than 10 Activities. Alternatively, for quick access to a particular activity, click the green View Activity button located to the right of the activity name under the corresponding course.
  3. To enter directly into an Activity, click View Activity on the far right.
  4. Here you will see all the patients in that activity. Depending on the Activity your Instructor has created, you will either be able to Create New Patients, access Pre-Built Patients, or join a Running Simulation.
  5. Click Patient Chart or Create Patient (if it is a new patient activity) to get started.

Explore Pre-Built Patients

  1. To access a Pre-Built patients chart click the Patient Chart button.
  2. You'll be taken directly to the Visit History page inside the Patient's Chart. You will either already be in a visit or will need to click the View Visit button. If a patient has multiple visits, you can switch to view the documentation from that visit.
  3. On the bottom you can view instructions for the activity at any time.
  4. On the top you will see the patients header with a quick overview of the patients details.
  5. Explore different sections of the patient chart, such as Vital Signs, by clicking on them in the left sidebar.
  6. To add new entries, click the +New Entry button in each section and fill out the relevant information.
  7. Remember to click Save after entering information in any section.

Create and Explore New Patients

  1. To access a New patient chart click the Create Patient button.
  2. For New Patients, you'll need to complete the Patient Details page.
  3. On the Patient Details page, fill out the required information. Note that for HIPAA reasons, the Name cannot be edited for New Patient Activities.
  4. Press Save to create the patient.
  5. You'll be taken directly to the Visit History page inside the Patient's Chart.
  6. Click New Visit in the Patient Header to start a visit.
  7. Select the visit type, enter the reason for visit, and set the visit start date. Click Save.
  8. Explore different sections of the patient chart, such as Vital Signs, by clicking on them in the left sidebar.
  9. To add new entries, click the +New Entry button in each section and fill out the relevant information.
  10. Remember to click Save after entering information in any section.

📝 Documentation Basics

  • Flowsheets and forms on the left sidebar allow you to review or input patient information.
  • Each entry contains a unique timestamp. Avoid duplicate entries, except on the orders page where identical timestamps are acceptable.

If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected]

We're here to help!